"Our Smart Contracts run securely supporting amazing projects."

SmartContracts Tools

SmartContracts Tools offers a set of decentralized products running on different blockchain networks. Build Dapps, NFTs, DEFI protocols, Standard Tokens using powerful and well tested Smart Contracts.

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The most trusted Smart Contract Generator for ERC20 and BEP20 Tokens


A Decentralized applications is just like any other software application you use. It could be a website or an app on your phone. What makes a DAPP different than a traditional app is that it's built on a decentralized network. Data are not centralized and they are safe, reliable and verifiable using public network.

We build decentralized applications and platforms covering different fields from DeFi, NFTs and DAOs to where imagination will take us.

We are here to build the next-generation platforms, with you.

Security Audits

We perform Smart Contracts audits to find bugs, vulnerabilities and risks before the code is deployed and used in main network where it won't be modifiable.

We carefully investigate the code to detect possible known attacks and check that it follows best practices and guidelines.

Get in touch

If you want to learn more about us, please contact us